Get Your Business Book Finally Off Your Bucket List
Put your book finally out of your head and into your dream client's bookshelf using my Better Book Bundle.
Start Your Business Book Today!
You finally want to write your own non-fiction book, textbook or guidebook? Do you want to make your knowledge and expertise visible with this book? And build up another mainstay for yourself?
Then a business book is the right way for you.
And my Better Book Bundle takes away everything that has been holding you back.
Templates for structure, design and even the publisher's address guide and accelerate work on the book.
With the project plan for your book, you plan all the steps from idea to publication - in Trello or Excel.
Tips for writing faster and better will ensure that your readers will love your book.
A year from now you may wish you had started today
Karen Lamb
Imagine ...
Wouldn't that be great?
My Better Book Bundle will provide you with all of this
A book is probably just the right next step for you and your professional development.
With a book you create a lasting product that will bring you income and contacts years later. You are also visible outside of social media and attract exactly those customers who seriously want to go one step further - with you. You will be recognized as an expert by customers, media and colleagues. And last but not least: Having your own book is a great boost for self-confidence.
But you probably already knew all that.
Because today wasn't the first time you had the idea of writing a book.
Am I right?
I'm sure you've tried quite a few things.
The good news: You are not alone in this.
The better news: There is an easier way to your book success:
Better Book Bundle

Helped over all hurdles.
I am particularly grateful to Yvonne, who seemingly effortlessly and with infinite patience helped me over every hurdle in writing.
For me, my heart's project has come true and there is no question that Yvonne, as an enthusiastic and passionate expert, played a significant part in my very personal book experience.
Gerda Richter
Author & High Sensitivity Coach

That's in the Better Book Bundle;
The Better Book Bundle includes a template for your expert book along with lots of helpful bonuses. With the complete package, you are perfectly equipped to get started with your book today. You can plan your project right away, map out the structure of your book, get ready to write, and even prepare for publication and marketing.

Quick Start Template
With the Quickstart template you create the structure for your expert book step by step and very easily - according to my tried and tested system!
On 64 workbook pages you will find out everything you need to be able to offer your readers a valuable and well-structured business book.

Bonus 3: Project Planner for Your Expert Book (Trello and Excel)
All steps for your book project neatly broken down - in Trello and Excel. So you can easily plan your own project.
Alle Phasen des Buch-Projekts sind genau aufgeteilt, sodass du dir nur noch die Termine im Kalender eintragen und loslegen musst.

Bonus 1: Video training “Write faster and better”
In this video training I show you how to write your book efficiently and really well.
You will learn how to find and maintain your optimal writing tempo and how to formulate your texts in an appealing way.

Bonus 4: Video training »Addressing publishers«
If you want to find a publisher for your book, you should start right at the beginning of your project.
This mini-training will help you with that. You will learn how to research the right publisher and how to write to them.

Bonus 2: Templates for your book (Word)
These 3 format templates will help you to give your book a professional look very quickly and easily.
You can choose from 2 templates for your printed book and also receive 1 template for an e-book.

Bonus 5: 55 ideas to market your book
This list of ideas shows you many different ways to get your book seen before, during and after publication.
With so much inspiration, you can easily create your own marketing plan and make your book a success.
How do I know what you need to write your expert book?
Quite simply because I am an author myself and have an online business - and in my daily work for years I have been doing exactly what you have just decided to do.
I published my first expert book in 2017 - on blogging. At that time I decided to self-publish and gained a lot of experience with this and other books. For three years I was consistently in the top 10 in my most important Amazon categories - until I replaced this book with a more recent one.
Last year I started looking for publishers for my books, and in January two of my books were published by well-known publishers (the scientific publisher Springer Gabler and Rheinwerk-Verlag). So I know what it takes to write, publish and also sell.
Above all, I know the power of the expert book for your business. I do social media marketing, I'm pretty knowledgeable about SEO, and I also have a newsletter. But customers have the closest bond with me when they know me through my book. Which a lot of people do.
I'm always planning a new book (even right now). And over many years I have developed processes that give me the freedom to let my creativity flow into the book - and to do everything else easily and without much thought.
I share this knowledge with you in my Better Book Bundle.
Nobody thinks as concretely, as analytically and explains as well as you, Yvonne.
Yvonne proves in a clear, structured and targeted manner, based on a simple and ingenious method, that writing a book is a craft, but not rocket science. Great! Thanks for that!
Very good and very understandable explanations and examples. Good pace and great exercises to practice on!
Hi, I am Yvonne
And I just love words. With them you can reach people, develop ideas, change the world. You can also write books, learn new things and share your knowledge with others. I combine that professionally. I spend half my time writing. In the other, I help people to achieve their own (writing) goals. The result: 12 books published (including by Springer Gabler and Rheinwerk Verlag), more than 5,000 copies sold, two independent web portals and several thousand customers who have achieved their goals with me, my templates and courses.
Write Your Book Now
Yvonne Kraus has the gift of breaking down difficult learning content in such a way that it comes across as easy to understand. That motivates me to keep going.
Laura Parker
Great course, had an idea in my head for years and was finally able to implement it. Great kick in the butt, great instructions, excellent structure. I can highly recommend
Paul Jones
Get the Better Book Bundle now!
Take your book off your bucket list!
€ 97 17
Grab the bundle with templates, training and project plan - and get started with your book right away!

The Better Book Bundle is right for your if ...
Take a look at the (online) bookstore of your choice. Are there books out there that deal with a similar topic? If so, your topic is also suitable for a book. (I'm not familiar with your topic, but I think it's suitable.)
If you work in your topic and regularly advise people or support them in this area, your expertise is enough for a book. It is important that you choose the right target group and structure the book in a learner-friendly way. My Better Book Bundle will help you with that.
If you haven't found the time to write before, the Better Book Bundle is for you. It takes care of things that take a lot of time but for which you as an expert are not required. You can fall back on proven templates and processes and put your valuable time into creating the content.
You will also find support for this in the bundle. A separate training course will show you how to research and address publishers - including an e-mail template. And you will receive format templates that I have tried and tested in case you prefer to publish via self-publishing.
The template and bundle give your book (and your book project) a precise structure. This structure is based on
what readers expect from a book,
how people learn most easily.
Of course you are completely free in terms of content and fill your book with your own content. This makes it unique.
Sure! You can use all of the content in the bundle for as many books as you like. In my experience, once you've written one, the second will follow soon after anyway. Especially at the beginning, however, it makes sense to focus on just one thing in order to successfully complete this project.
The bundle is yours after purchase. You can download and keep the templates on my course page. As the bundle is currently on pre-sale, you will receive it before Dec. 31st 2022.
The bundle suits your book idea if you are writing a non-fiction book that people want to learn something from. This can be a guide, a textbook or a non-fiction book. I have chosen “expert book” as the generic term here. This always refers to books in which knowledge and/or skills are imparted.
After receipt of payment you will receive an e-mail from me with your access data to the course area. There you can view the training courses and download the templates.

Starte jetzt!
It can be easy to write your book - with my Better Book Bundle!
Available for pre-sale, will be delivered by Dec 31, 2022